The Land Steward’s Compass: Assess Your Regenerative Agriculture Journey
Ready to gauge your progress on your regenerative ag journey?
This FREE quiz will:
Evaluate your current regenerative practices
Reveal areas of excellence and improvement
Provide a roadmap for elevating your land stewardship
Don't leave your farm/ranch's potential untapped. Take 5 minutes to unlock insights that could transform your operation. Click the button below!
Do you feel the pull to be in and work in nature but don’t feel confident in your knowledge?
Do you wish you had a guide to show you what to do on YOUR land?
Are you feeling frustrated that what you’re doing on your land doesn’t seem to be working?
Are you concerned about how you’re going to make a living from your land?
Learn a framework that helps you deal with the complexity of working with nature!
Know how to ‘read’ your land and understand how to change your management to improve your land!
Have more confidence about making a profit and paying the bills!
Want to know how to manage your land with other like-minded people?
Join my free Facebook Group
Nature is complex!
‘Prescriptions’ aren’t sustainable
Balancing the land, the finances and your quality of life in decisions is tricky!
YOU are an important part of the equation!
Give a farmer/rancher a prescription, and they solve a symptom,
Teach a farmer/rancher a holistic framework, and they address the root cause and manage the complexity

I can guide you through a framework that will address ALL your concerns.
A framework that will:
give you principles and practices that honor nature to use as your foundation,
give you the knowledge and tools,
help you be proactive,
make a profitable living,
help create YOUR dream farm or ranch,
and help you make decisions that will move you towards YOUR desired outcomes!

I once was a corporate, city gal who purchased land and made every mistake possible as I tried to manage my land and make a living.
Then I learned a framework and became a fulltime, profitable rancher that continually moves towards my dream ranch (because it’s a work in progress)!
If I can do it, so can YOU!
Hiss Blessing Homestead
“Thank you for such a powerful class!
I’m excited to implement the tools and decision making processes on my own homestead to help me get to my future vision.”
Waddell Farm
“Hardly enough positive adjectives to express the quality of the Christine’s passion to regenerate the soil, provide nutrient rich delicious food, and share wisdom so that we all may one day, do the same. I’m reluctant to say too much for fear Christine’s bounty will be swept up by the masses, but wouldn’t it be great if we all were healthy and happy?”
John N.
“Its amazing how intensive rotational grazing can improve forage in a relatively short amount of time!”
Ways that I can guide you towards your dream farm/ranch
As a coach, I will teach you the knowledge you need to make decisions for your land and operation to achieve your desired goals.
The coaching programs have been created to provide you the knowledge to steward your land and operation holistically and regeneratively.
The program will include any of the following topics, based on your needs:
*Defining your values and goals
*How to make decisions to honor your values and goals
*How to plan for the infrastructure on your land
*How to use livestock to manage your landscape
*How to plan for financial success
*How to read your land to verify that your management is moving your land to your desired outcome
*How to set up your business and sell your products
*How to manage your time
*How to get all members of the operation on the same page.
Each program will include instructional hours, homework activities, and coaching calls to follow up and answer questions.
All educational material is accessed via Google Classroom.
An initial interview to determine your needs will be conducted to determine appropriate topics.
Several packages are available to best suit your needs.
Topics to be included in packages will be determined during initial consultation and at time of booking.
One month
This package is good for those that have one concern to address.
Includes three (3) instructional sessions of one and a half (1.5) hours, plus three (3) hours of follow-up calls. All hours will be scheduled at time of booking at time of booking confirmation.
Homework assignments based on topics.
Price: $1,350
Three month
This package is good for those that have two concerns to address.
Includes twelve (12) instructional sessions of one and a half (1.5) hours, plus twelve (12) hours of follow-up calls. All hours will be scheduled at time of booking confirmation.
Homework assignments based on topics.
Price: $5,250
Six Month
This package is good for those that have three or four concerns to address.
Includes twenty-four (24) instructional sessions of one and a half (1.5) hours, plus twenty-four (24) hours of follow-up calls. All hours will be scheduled at time of booking confirmation.
Homework assignments based on topics.
Price: $10,500
Why should I use Holistic Management?
As a land manager and producer (whether it is livestock or crops), not only are you dealing with nature (environment), but you are also running a business for profit (economical), while hopefully enjoying family time (social). Managing all three, and making decisions that take all three into consideration, can be difficult. Holistic Management is a decision-making framework that helps people make decisions that are socially, economically, and environmentally sound (as possible) enabling managers to achieve results that honor what is important to all decisions makers.
Why are the foundations important?
This workshop provides you with an overview of the holistic management framework,and introduces the foundational concepts and insights which enable you to start practicing holistic management straight away.
Foundations of Holistic Management is a pre-requisite for all other workshops, because it lays the foundation for holistic decision-making and planning in any arena of life.
A two day workshop to give you the foundations of Holistic Management. It’ll cover the fundamentals of Holistic Management, including:
*The two key insights.
*The four ecosystem processes and how to assess their condition.
*The tools for managing the ecosystem processes, and the results they tend to produce.
*The workshop will also cover holistic decision-making:
*Defining the whole under management.
*Creating a holistic goal.
*Using the seven decision testing questions and the feedback loop to ensure better decisions.
It ends with a brief overview of the Holistic Management planning and monitoring procedures:
Holistic Financial Planning.
Holistic Planned Grazing.
Holistic Land Planning.
Holistic Biological Monitoring.
Whether you take any of the planning and monitoring workshops, you will leave this workshop with knowledge and insights on how to make the best decision to achieve your desired landscape environment, profitability and quality of life.
Lunch included both days.
If all assignments are completed, you may request to receive a Certificate of Completion from Holistic Management International
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets and a solid draft of your roadmap so that you can achieve your dream ranch or farm.
Why is Holistic Planned Grazing Important?
Holistic Planned Grazing is a strategic planning process that brings simplicity to the great complexity livestock managers face daily integrating livestock production with forage, crop, wildlife needs, and other myriad considerations while working to ensure continued land regeneration, animal health and performance, and profitability.
Holistic Planned Grazing helps ensure that the livestock are in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons, and with the right behavior.
This introductory workshop will teach you basic grazing concepts that will help you be a better grazier, grass farmer, and complete a holistic grazing plan (conducted in a separate workshop).
A two day workshop where you will learn:
*how to measure forage
*how to calculate animal days per acre and what it means
*how to determine how many paddocks you need
*how to determine grazing and recovery periods
*what graze/trample-to-recovery ratio tells you
*how to plan for and utilize stock density and herd effect
*how to determine correct stocking rates
You will leave the workshop with tools and knowledge to apply in your own grazing operation, which will assist you in maximize your forage production, and livestock production with a holistic grazing plan.
Lunch included both days.
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets and a solid draft of your roadmap so that you can achieve your dream ranch or farm.
Pre-Requisite: Foundations of Holistic Management
Everyone is unique. Every landscape is unique. Goals are unique. So every operation is unique.
Your ranch or farm should then be unique to you.
Your unique values and desired financial, environmental and quality of life outcomes should be reflected in your ranch or farm!
During the 4-week online course, we will review your unique values and desired outcomes, and use that to craft your land plan.
Think of the land plan as a roadmap to getting your dream operation that reflects your uniqueness!
The above video details some of the work we will do during the course, so that at the completion of the online course you'll have a solid draft of your roadmap to your dream ranch or farm.
We will review:
*your values and desired outcomes,
*discuss management considerations
*design principles
*review rate of return on investment vs your values and desired outcomes
*develop SMART goals
*create a land plan/roadmap
We will meet at 6 pm CST via Zoom for 1.5 hours over 4 consecutive weeks, and we will use Google Classroom to access to worksheets and to submit assignments.
If all assignments are completed, you may request to receive a Certificate of Completion from Holistic Management International
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets and a solid draft of your roadmap so that you can achieve your dream ranch or farm.
Why is Holistic Financial Planning Important?
Holistic Financial Planning helps you achieve a healthy triple bottom line- thriving finances, environmental health and a better quality of life.
Good financial planning and management are essential for business success. Holistic Financial Planning will help you make financial decisions and plans within the context of your values, taking into account all the reasons you are involved in farming/ranching.
In this two day workshop, you will learn and work through the 9 steps to financial success:
Make financial decisions towards your holistic goal (created in Holistic Management Foundations workshop)
*Facilitate important conversations
*Analyze your enterprises
*Assess potential new enterprises
*Plan for profit up front
*Define income streams
*Calculate a cap for all expenditures
*Prioritize expenses to reinvest in your operation
*Monitor your plan proactively
You will leave with a first pass of a financial plan for your operation.
Lunch included both days.
If all assignments are completed, you may request to receive a Certificate of Completion from Holistic Management International
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets and a solid draft of your roadmap so that you can achieve your dream ranch or farm.
Suggested Pre-Requisite: Foundations of Holistic Management
Monitoring for Land Health and Productivity
To steer land changes in the direction required, you need to determine where the earliest sign of change is likely to occur, so that you can be sure your management is taking your land where you want it to go.
With Holistic Management, you monitor to make happen what you want to happen- you manage for what you want!
Key Outcomes:
*How to cultivate an awareness of the four ecosystem processes
*How to predict changes and trends on the land
*How to monitor plant growth rates, water supplies, unfavorable grazing patterns
*The importance of monitoring the land’s performance along with animal performance
*Why to assume our actions on the ecosystem processes could be wrong
*Some criteria to monitor that will give the earliest warnings of adverse change
Lunch is included both days.
If all assignments are completed, you may request to receive a Certificate of Completion from Holistic Management International
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets so that you can achieve your dream ranch or farm.
Why Holistic Business & Marketing Planning
Marketing and business planning are critical pieces of effective Holistic Management for farms and ranches. While there are many tools for marketing and business planning, few have a holistic approach: the integration what you value deeply, a plan for profit, as well as the land that will make the operation sustainable far into the future.
During the two day workshop, you will learn:
•Key business model and planning concepts
•The various direct marketing channels and opportunities and challenges of each
•The importance of market research for developing a marketing plan
•How to assess consumer trends, target markets, and potential competition
•To become familiar with resources of direct marketing
•To assess the value or uniqueness of your product or service
•How to write a business plan
•How to tie your marketing and business plan to your holistic goal and holistic financial plan
An online workshop over 6 weeks in September with Holistic Management International®
More details forthcoming. -
Learn grazing concepts for the non-growing/dormant season.
*Review stocking rate and stocking density
*Nutritional quality of stockpiled forage
*How to measure stockpiled forage
*How to allocate your forage throughout the dormant/non growing season
*Determine whether to purchase hay or reduce animal numbers
A two-day workshop hosted at The Regen Ranch.
Lunch is provided both days.
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets and a roadmap so that you can graze your livestock during the dormant/non-growing season profitably.
VIP Workshop Experience Option
Do you want a deeper experience during the workshop?
The VIP Pass includes:
*Complimentary dinner at Sabor a Pasion , cooked by Chef Simon and hosted by Christine Martin on Wednesday evening at 7 pm. You’ll be able to meet Christine ahead of the workshop and glean some of her wisdom!
*Wednesday and Thursday evening accommodation at Sabor a Pasion , a B&B in Palestine, Texas.
*Complimentary Breakfast Thursday and Friday morning at Sabor a Pasion
*Q & A Cocktails and Appetizer on Thursday evening from 5-7:30 pm at The Regen Ranch in Oakwood, Texas.
Note: You will be responsible for your own dinner arrangements on Thursday evening.
The Thriving Land Steward program is a transformative 12-month journey designed for farmers and ranchers seeking to revolutionize their approach to agriculture. Rooted in the principles of Holistic Management®, this comprehensive program empowers participants to create thriving, resilient agricultural enterprises that balance productivity, profitability, and ecological stewardship.
Through a combination of weekly group sessions, personalized coaching, and hands-on learning experiences, you'll master the tools to make holistic decisions that benefit your land, your business, and your quality of life. You'll join a supportive community of like-minded agricultural entrepreneurs, sharing insights and building lasting connections.
Whether you're looking to increase your farm's productivity, improve soil health, achieve better work-life balance, or build a lasting legacy, the Nurtured Land Steward program provides the knowledge, skills, and support to turn your vision into reality. Embrace a holistic approach to land stewardship and cultivate success that spans generations.