Coaching & Teaching Services

Holistic and Regenerative Management Consulting

  • As your consultant, I will give you advice based on my knowledge and experience to address your concern.

    An initial consultation to determine course of action is required.

  • Prices:

    $1000 per day (8 hours) plus travel and accommodation reimbursement


    $200 per hour

    If consultation occurs onsite, pricing is hourly rate plus travel and accommodation reimbursement . NOTE if travel is longer than three hours, then a full day is charged

Teaching or Speaking on Holistic and Regenerative Management

Teaching holistic and regenerative management
  • Hire me to teach your team holistic and regenerative practices.

    All topics require 9 hours of teaching. Ideal rate of teaching is 1.5 hours over 6 weeks.

    Topics available:

    *Foundations of Holistic Management

    *Holistic Land Planning

    *Holistic Grazing Planning

    *Holistic Financial Planning

    *Holistic Biological Monitoring

    *Holistic Business and Marketing Planning

    Homework and worksheet materials provided via Dropbox. If printed material needed, printing fee to be reimbursed

  • A daily rate of $1500 per day plus transportation and lodging reimbursement

    If printed material needed, printing fee to be reimbursed