VIRTUAL Crafting Your Dream Farm/Ranch: Holistic Land Planning Unveiled
In-person workshop has been rescheduled and reformatted due to Memorial Day weekend.
Everyone is unique. Every landscape is unique. Goals are unique. So every operation is unique.
Your ranch or farm should then be unique to you.
Your unique values and desired financial, environmental and quality of life outcomes should be reflected in your ranch or farm!
During the 4-week online course, we will review your unique values and desired outcomes, and use that to craft your land plan.
Think of the land plan as a roadmap to getting your dream operation that reflects your uniqueness!
The above video details some of the work we will do during the course, so that at the completion of the online course you'll have a solid draft of your roadmap to your dream ranch or farm.
We will review:
your values and desired outcomes,
discuss management considerations
design principles
review rate of return on investment vs your values and desired outcomes
develop SMART goals
create a land plan/roadmap
We will meet at 6 pm CST via Zoom for 1.5 hours over 4 consecutive weeks, and we will use Google Classroom to access to worksheets and to submit assignments.
If all assignments are completed, you may request to receive a Certificate of Completion from Holistic Management International
Your investment in this workshop of $250 per person will provide you with worksheets and a solid draft of your roadmap so that you can achieve your dream ranch or farm.
Why Holistic Land Planning?
Using your values and desired outcomes, you plan all your long-term investments in infrastructure such as buildings, roads, water development and fencing in the most ideal layout to move you towards your desired outcomes and your dream ranch or farm.
You will create your unique land plan that will reflect the investments you need and desire to create your dream ranch or farm.
What is Holistic Land Planning?
A land planning (roadmap) process that not only gives you a blueprint for future infrastructure and land development, but also practical information you can use immediately for prioritizing expenses and determining return on investment.
Who Should Attend Crafting Your Dream Ranch or Farm?
Anyone wanting to farm or ranch holistically and regeneratively
New landowners
Existing landowners wanting to transition to regenerative agriculture/grazing
Open-minded and curious land stewards
Christine Martin, Owner of The Regen Ranch (coach and host of the workshop) Land Planning Experience
Since arriving in Texas in 2001, Christine started with five acres where she homesteaded, then she transitioned to 23 acres in 2016 where she started ranching for a profit, and in 2020 she transitioned to 100 acres where she currently calls home.
In the 15 years on the five acres, she made every mistake a landowner makes! To name a few:
She built a permanent chicken coop only to tear it down to build poultry tractors to help improve soil health and grass diversity, ie time, labor and capital on permanent coop down the drain).
She installed permanent barbed wire cross fencing to contain the dairy cow and draft horse, but learned that sheep won't be contained with barbed wire, ie plan for flexibility so you don't have to build fence twice!
In 2015/2016, she learned Holistic Management International 's Holistic Land Planning methodology, and has used it since to create a land plan (or roadmap) for each acreage she managed, and assessing infrastructure investments that helped her increase her wealth.
What People Have Said About The Workshops!
My mom & I attended the Foundations of Holistic Management workshop together. This class helped us align our values and define our holistic goal. We left the workshop feeling more confident and equipped with a greater understanding of how the holistic principles can be used on our own homestead and our own context.
Shaelyn W
It's amazing how planned grazing can improve forage in a relatively short amount of time. Thank you for giving me the grazing tools I need to be able to improve soil health and increase grass diversity on my place in your Introduction to Planned Grazing Concepts workshop.
John R
Hardly enough positive adjectives to express the quality of Christine's workshop and her passion to regenerate the soil, improve land stewards' quality of life and be profitable, while sharing her wisdom during her workshops and coaching. We keep coming back for more of her wisdom as we walk through our land stewarding journey.
David W
BONUS: Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls
As a bonus for signing up for this four week online course, you’ll receive two (2) free monthly group coaching calls.
We meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm, and includes likeminded group members who share questions, challenges, experiences as they implement holistic management in their operations. A great support group for those just starting off or making changes in their operation.
Suggested Pre-Requisite: Foundations of Holistic Management